Wednesday, September 8, 2010

More tricks, more treats.

daiSince it's the school holidays.We've been learning a few tricks lately.. or like just whatever from that 101 dog tricks book. I Hate that book and she LOVES it. cos, guess what? It's official, I know the head down and shame and it's in one of her success stories about me now. Yayy for humans, boo for canine. Which make her just more in love with that book, and hunger for more new tricks. But if you're thinking why am I doing all of this extra work to put up with her clicker mood, Tricks = reward = food = me. 
Per click, per treat. imagine 210 clicks in one day just for doing something over and over again? 
mmm.. treats.. 

She can seriously put up embarrassing photos of me.
Guess what's the upcoming trick to be learn? 
Watch the space for videos.

The one & only.


Unknown said...

Good job training her :))
Can't wait for videos!!

Nicole said...

(I managed to give you two Q's :D weird)
YAY Happy! Soon it'll be Happy NTD!
Good Work! ... I mean... it's worth it... for the treats right?