Since, we don't have any candles or lanterns at home.. but.. LOOK! they have it in the shopping mall!
Lighten up by the beauty of lights~
*I had been waiting for seconds, where's the release command??*
Other than that, I'm doing all good. notice a tiny hole on my head? Yeah, I started a dog fight one day while going for a walk. and totally owned it! heee, lately my human had been really worried and trying to have me get away with other dogs as far as possible ,afraid I might actually swallow their heads.. which I think I would do so. They deserved it, least I think so!
~Beware image might not be suitable for puppies, 12 months and below. ~
Did I mention, although there's not as much time as usual for doggy. I still hear her cursing the teachers and homework as she's doing it, during my afternoon naps.. Good to know, she still hates homework as much as I hate cats, and loves the dog! Before I end this post, the human was thinking if any other human knows there is any other movie maker is free to download, other than sony vegas pro 9 (we used up the trial version :P) would be appreciated!.. buying a mac book just to use imovie in it, is not working.. she would be broke... and I would run out of toys.. and not to mention.. treats. :(
whichever words your heart desires.
and in the real language,
Happy & Jiayee.
I have been using the free trial version of Corel Video Pro 3 and like it, but then I really find just the plain old Windows video editor that was on both of my computers when I got them pretty nice and easy to use. I just had to gt my current computer with windows 7 and the video editor on that is one I really was suprised at how good it was.
Life sounds ruff, with the school, empty treat containers...sorry ;-( ----Kathy
Oh Happy, hope you finally did get some good treats!
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